Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm sorry, I stepped out for cigarette.

I saw a blurb today talking about how we should never use the excuse "I don't have time" because "you have the same amount of time as Picasso, Einstein, etc". Awesome. I need to follow that advice a bit more. I work creative things to produce!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm Alive! Hallelujah!!!

Hello people.

It's been so long that starting to write on this damned thing feels like nails on a chalk board paired with an uncomfortable case of the mondays after Lent when you've given up on coffee, sex, and boxed wine. EWWW, you might be thinking. I know!!!! But here I am click click clickitating away on the ole keyboard. Why? Because I might have something potentially profound to say after all this sneaky research I've been doing lately.

God forbid I be another "conspiracy theorist" but damn it, do I have any other choice? My reason for subscribing to these most often then not "taboo" ideas, is because I personally have never experienced an opportunity in my life to do so via the modern route of education and public media. Is that weird to anyone else!?!?!?!? So many times are options are black or white, republican or democrat, hot or cold. Did it ever occur to anyone that perhaps the most logic answer might be lukewarm? Or Undecided? Or a mild shade of yellow? Most often than not, the answer is no. And if you ever do a little research on how to brain wash people it goes a little bit like this....

Okay, bad joke. But seriously... It's kinda like that. But it goes more like

Thesis (black) combatted with antithesis(white)= gray (a mix of the same shit that didn't work before. Think outside the crayon box for a change?

My theory on the because:

We have been trained/conditioned for generations (specifically after WWII) to become easily hypnotized by the powers that be/mainstream media/entertainment industries via polarity, money, and early programming techniques. Hypnotized in the sense that we are told what is right, what is up, what is down, what is real. Who are these people and how do they know these things?!?!?! If you have never personally questioned the validity of science, I strongly urge you to do so now. And if you have never considered that our might be run by an evil agenda put into motion by a malevolent alien race. Try it out. It'll blow your gourd.