Thursday, May 13, 2010

Regarding our origins

Here's a little blurb I wrote the other day after reading the Urantia Papers for a few hours in the sections titled "First Human Family" and "Evolution Overcontrol". I wrote this small ryhme to basically sum up the chapters.

You see it all starts with a sea sponge inhabiting the shoreline

Representing the borderline between animal and vegetable

It's contestable to say that life matter came from cosmic splatter

left uninvested by superior planning.

Our stab in the dark planet, that was meant to be Satanic

made quite a name for itself in years to come

Apes got some will, made weapons to kill,

and a pair of twins left home pretty young

At this point it's all about breeding,

interweaving of genetic lines till you're able to find

a proper mate with desireable traits so we can fuse, body, spirit, and mind.

So that's the synopsis of those chapters. Hmm...History.. Hmm..

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