Thursday, March 4, 2010

High Five Universe!

AND SUDDENLY THE COSMOS HAVE ALIGNED TO EXCITE AND EXHAUST MY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL BEING! These next 2 weeks are looking to be filled to the brim with people, places, and things all coming together to drink and be merry. I am balls to the wall stoked about the festivities to follow and also fearful for my physical wellness.
My body recently has been saying many things to me recently...

Right shoulder: "You know, I do so fucking much for you and you don't even have the decency to stretch me properly before rigorous activity. I might fall off sooner or later. Would you even care, Hammerhead?"
Right knee: "Don't think I won't dislocate for the tenth time... Dancing in boots.... Not cool"
Liver: "HEEEEEEElllLPpppPp MEEEeee!!"

BUT FUCK IT! This weekend is going to be kickass and I'm young and resiliant! We've got company coming into town, a keg at my place on friday, and a Push Jones performance for Fashionation in Hood River. All of this hopefully preparing me for the next coming weekend where I will be in LA HONDA, SANTA CRUZ, and SAN FRANCISCO(maybe SF)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's something so infinitely beautiful about tons of people you enjoy coming together in one place to celebrate. I get high on that shit. HIGH FIVE!

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