Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where is my easy button!?!?!??!

Today I was clumsy. I blame gravitational flux! It's the only credible excuse I could have for breaking two items in my client's house in a 3 hour period. My boss is unimpressed. Though she did give me the benefit of the doubt by saying that "many people have been breaking things this week." ALAS! My cop out. It's frickin earth flux maaaan. Sadly, I didn't find enough strength in this argument to text this to her, or rather, I did but didn't want to be "that crazy hippy girl" at work. Whatever, the poles are switching and I'm feeling it.

Moving on...

Tommorow I board an airplane to Oakland. Oaklandazyulasym for all you Why? fans out there. Hopefully this trip will be lovely. I'm thinking good friends, Santa Cruz, maybe some tanning (Lord knows I need it), relaxation, perhaps a little romance. I figured since I laughed out loud at this I should probably share it with you as well... I digress...
The fact of the matter is, is that I should be more excited/stoked/bouncing off the wall right now but I'm more scared than anything. I had mentioned in an earlier blog that I have been having weird feelings. Well. They're still here. The kind that makes me wonder if going to La Honda is a good idea. Santa Cruz, duh, obviously that's a good idea. But La Honda is seeming more and more a call for confrontation. Either I will be courageous and spill all the words that get caught up in my throat everytime I see him or.... I will remain silent and cowardly. Neither of which are sounding easy. And this is supposed to be my vacation DAMN IT! WHERE IS MY EASY BUTTON!?!?!?!?! Ah yes... there it is...

I was reading "All About Love" by Bell Hooks the other day- A gem from my roommate Cassie's collection- and came to ponder on the thought of loving without fear of rejection. It's sooo noble sounding! I want to be that. I'm realizing that I need to make a call very soon and I'm leaning towards getting my ass handed to me by love rather than keeping my mouth closed like a polite little lady. Say a little prayer for me tonight, will you?
All image cred- Deviantart.com

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