Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Funday

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.- Rachel Carson

For the past several weeks, Timber and I have been taking hikes pretty much whenever possible. The area surrounding Portland kicks ass for outdoor exploration. Today we rallied the troops and headed out to Horsetail Falls along the Columbia Gorge. Twas glorious. Not to mention the added bonus of having 7 beautiful people and 1 kick ass hound as company for the ascent. I really suggest making this hike at some point if you live in the Portland area. There are waterfalls per every 5 minutes of walking, great vistas, and tons of places to sit down and have lunch or smoke weed. Just sayin. There is really nothing greater than getting out into the forest with your favorites. It's like a playground for everyone! The boys took off on a man adventure (climbing things, crossing things, throwing things) as to be expected and myself and the other lady wolves took off for a goddess party (sitting on a rock). The hike would have been absolutely flawless if there handn't been a choreful woman and her yappy terrible dog yelling at us every 10 minutes to put our beast back on the leash. Our group pretty much decided that just because her dog sucks doesn't necessitate us having to put Bruce back on leash. He has earned his free time by being cordial, pleasant to all, and loyal. Let the dogs run free!!!!!!!!!
All good things are wild and free.- Henry David Thoreau

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