Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You can lead a horse to water..... if you have a horse.

Success! My black notebook has been recovered and yet, here I still am. I will continue to blog until I am bored with it, so there it is. On today's agenda..... horses.

10 Reasons Why I Love Horses (speaking in general terms)
1. They are very strong and muscular.
2. They are stupid enough to listen to me.
3. They are beautiful.
4. They are fast.
5. Their shit smells good.
6. They are vegetarians.
7. They take me up hills that I am too lazy to walk up myself.
8. They take dirt baths.
9. They are psychic.
10. They could give a shit what kind of music I listen to.

So I'm 90% sure that I will not be returning to my wrangling job in California this summer so my heart is wrenched. Recently I've been asking myself, "Where the hell am I going to be able to procure a steed that I can ride like the wind around Portland?" Well! While I was cruising craigslist.org the other day (big fan), I found an opportunity by which I might be able to lease a horse. Seventy-five buckaroos each month to be able to ride twice a week without someone telling me what to do which is, in short, exactly what I desire. I don't think I would be able to handle someone telling me how to ride a horse anymore, let alone where to ride a horse. If it were up to me I'd sell my car and ride a horse everywhere. Down with paved streets! Down with automobiles (mopeds, you're cool). Anywho, Mission Find-a-Freeking-Stallion is under way. I'll be riding this Sunday to check out which horse is best for me at a local stable. More about that later...

To my Clumsy Spirit Panda Flower- You are not forgotten. You are my first love and I treasure the two summers we spent frolicking, barebacking, backpacking, and sweating through the woods of California. You are a gangster for life. I will return for you someday my darling...

"And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain"- Everything But the Girl

P.S. That last quote is kind of a joke but that in no way takes away from it's relevance. Thanks world.

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