Sunday, February 7, 2010

High on Life

I am smiling today. Today should be called Smiling Sunday. So many nice things have happened this last week, whoopty fucking do for me. Got a raise this week, sun's been coming out a bit, signed on to lease a horse. AHEM. SIGNED ON TO LEASE A HORSE! So stoked I have excitement literally leaking out of my ears (kinda gross). Furthermore, his name is River. 4 year old/Gelding/Buckskin/Mustang/Super Shaggy/Spritely young thing. Rode him this morning and I was in love. Turns out the young lady I will be leasing him from is also 21 so yay I have a new riding buddy. So much awesome packed into one day. I'm having a hard time finding the will to take off my grandma's riding boots. :) Here is a not so glorious picture of him untacked. Hopefully in future I'll put up some better ones.
He flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions. ~Stephen Leacock

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